It takes a village to create a brighter future for County kids! We are so thankful for ours - for all of these supporters who make our work and impact in the community possible.

donor wall

Thank you to our generous supporters, who help us welcome hundreds of Prince Edward County kids into the joyful world of book ownership and the magic of reading each year. We are delighted to present our Donor Wall inspired by Shel Silverstein’s poem, “The Invitation”, from Where The Sidewalk Ends: Published by Harper Collins.

The Invitation
If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

Magic Bean Buyer ($2500+)

The Elderberry Fund - Sarah Crawford & David Kirkwood**, Simon & Isabelle Fish**, Valerie Hussey**, Kerry & Vince Politi**, John Rider & Karim Karsan**

Dreamer ($1000-2499)

Marta Braun**, Reg Bronskill & Helen Findlay**, Liam Greig**, The Peter & Sonya Koch Foundation**, Linda & Michael Mason (in memory of Jim Paradine)

Hope-er ($500-999)

Erin Bury**, Kathy Cooper (in honour of Willa & Charlie Kelly)*, Elizabeth Gerrits (in honour of Mamie Redner)**, Sally Keefe Cohen, Wendy & Rick Matthews*, Bill Roberts**, Julie White & Ross McGregor, Anonymous

Tale Spinner ($250-499)

Jo Barnes, Robert Cowan, Elizabeth Etue*, David Frum, Jill Hill, Andrew & Pronica Janikowski, Rosemary Kent, Nancy Kroeker, Connie & Pierre Lebrun, Sandra Marshall Woolfrey*, Becki Martin, Charles Morris, Anne & Chris Nichols, Steve & Catherine O’Brien*, Sandy Richards*, Peta Shelton*, Simply Acoustic Inc., Carolynn Whiteley, Anonymous

Wisher (0-$249)

Mikki Arends, Bernice Armet*, Lindsay Banack, Betty & David Beaumont, Stuart Brown, Christine, Marilyn Campbell (in memory of Audrey Campbell), Brenda Clarkson, Karen Cole (in honour of Dominic Smith), Krysten Cooper (for the birthdays of Conor Blackbyrne, Freya-Rhem Kenny and Abby Kehoe), Lourdes DaCosta, Joy David, Andrea Dawes*, David Dawes, Caitlin Evans, Gwynneth Evans (in honour of Jill & John Hill), Sofia Faga, Neil Fenton, Jane Forbes, Katherine Fraser, Christine Gillespie & Jamie Coatsworth, Jeannine Girard-Pearlman, Deb Grund*, Karen Hill, Sheila & George Hobson, Marilyn Kennedy, Judy Kent, Patricia Kerford, Lise Klemme, Sharon Lake, Dayna Law, Kristie Lutes, Marleen MacCallum, Michèle Maheux, Lenka McGregor, Noreen Oulds, Rob & Kate - Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited Brokerage, Kathryn Potter (in memory of Georgia Carol Potter), Anne Preston*, Graham Rose, Kelly Rockliff, Sarah Selecky Writing School*, Bev Sharpe*, Geraldine Sharpe, Janna Smith*, Pauline Smith (in honour of Michael Smith), Paulina Szlachta, Thea tai chi Group, Rebecca Traynor, Mary Tucker, Lindsey Van de Keere (in honour of Steve Cavalier), Vanessa Vansittart, Kori Westbrook*, Ute Wilkinson, Edith Williams, Molly Wills, Anonymous

**The Patron’s Circle: Donors who have made multi-year commitments, which allows us to plan for and deliver long-term impact. Please contact Andrea Dawes at for more information about becoming a Patron at your desired level of giving. 

*Monthly Donors who have committed to a monthly gift to County Kids Read, helping us plan for and deliver long-term impact.

Please email Andrea Dawes at if you’d like to make changes to how your name appears.

Thank you for helping secure a brighter future where all County kids read!


In 2024 we launched our first sponsorship campaign, and are excited to be welcoming local “Business Champions” to our family of CKR supporters! There are two sponsorship levels - $250 and $500 - and businesses receive a variety of promotional benefits in exchange for their support. Click here to learn more - and when you’re ready, please contact Andrea Dawes at to become a CKR Business Champion!

Star Business Champions ($500 level)

Business Champions ($250 level)

foundations and government (project grants)

service clubs & community supporters

  • St. Andrew’s Anglican Endowment Fund

  • Wellington Rotary Club

  • Picton Rotary Club

  • Kinsmen Picton

  • Mountain View / Wellington Branch Women's Institute

  • Kiwanis Picton

  • Picton Legion

  • Picton Elks

  • Royal Canadian Legion Consecon

  • PEC Lions Club

  • PEC Library

FOUNDATIONal partner - St. Mary magdalene

We are incredibly thankful to our wonderful friends at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church on Picton Main Street, who generously house our Book Room in the basement of their Parish Hall - a place for storytelling, exploration, and joy for the hundreds of children who visit us there every year!