More than ever there is a need to read . . .
Post-pandemic times come with a fair share of aftermath, including the effects on literacy acquisition. When it comes to how children were impacted by home-based education, it turns out it was not felt equally among students. In many ways school closures, online learning, and the expectancy to study at home was not fair on many young students and their ability to progress their education. Education at home was contingent upon a student’s individual needs, parent’s skills, and household resources such as internet, computers, and even reading material. Children in lower income households and children previously struggling in school in relation to their peers, experienced a far greater learning loss (OECD Library – Lessons for Education from Covid-19, 2022). Professor Georgiou, part of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta found that on average, “Students in Grade 1 to 3 – the critical years when they learn to read – saw their scores drop (during the first year of the pandemic) equal to anywhere between 6 – 8 months where they should be.” In short, the youngest and most vulnerable children will become even more vulnerable, further evidence of the necessity for programs like CKR which help offset some of these setbacks. And what better way to do so then accumulating reading material for children at risk.
We are so pleased to tell you that new books have been ordered, received, stamped and sorted. With the shelves now filled with new material, CKR is prepped to host class visits and books are ready to find their way into new reader’s hands through the help of community partners distributing copies throughout the County. Every little bit helps, and hopefully we can see these literacy scores for children start to steadily improve as we move back into classrooms and communal spaces like our very own Reading Room, pictured below. Thank you to all those who donated and enabled CKR to purchase these wonderful books!
Full shelves in the CKR Reading Room - Ready for a class visit!